2013-14年度 -- ROTARY,DISTRICT,CLUB.3480,RID3480,YEP ,RI3480,交換學生,地區,扶輪社,單車,總監,DG,AG,委員會,扶青團,扶?





  猶如出席一次扶輪社例會一樣,閱讀扶輪雜誌是扶輪社員共同經驗中不可缺少的一部分。當你拿起一本扶輪雜誌,無論它是澳大利亞及紐西蘭的扶輪雜誌Rotary Down Under 或是日本的扶輪雜誌Rotary-No-Tomo,你會發現每種雜誌都實踐了它的宗旨;提供資訊,激勵社員。扶輪雜誌提供給你最新的扶輪消息、為你的扶輪服務帶來新想法、並敘述對你切身相關、有意義的故事。對我而言,這些在全世界各地發行出版品的扶輪雜誌具體呈現了扶輪最大的力量:每一個扶輪社都是以當地社區為基礎的單位,在一個真正的全球網絡之下運作。

  扶輪這個組織之龐大及多元令人難以置信,儘管我們在扶輪有許多共同之處,但我們並不是一個模子就可以套用在整個組織。我們對一本雜誌的期望,不論在文化或文字方面,自然不會相同。由於我們有地域出版品,保加利亞的扶輪社員才能曉得在保加利亞扶輪的近況、也知曉扶輪世界其他地方的近況、以及伊文斯敦的最新消息。因為我們每一種扶輪出版品都是扶輪雜誌大家庭的一份子 -- 每一種雜誌,就像每一個扶輪社一樣,不僅有當地的、更有國際的身影。

  作為國際扶輪社長的最大榮幸之一是每個月都能直接對我們的120 萬個扶輪社員說話。當我在寫這篇文告稿子時,想起各位,不管你們是坐在起居室或是早餐的餐桌旁或在上班途中的火車上,都在看著這篇,然後翻閱裡面的扶輪近況報導,一種敬畏之情便油然而生。而不折不扣那正是你們每一個社員平常所做的。不是因為你的扶輪雜誌出現在信箱,或你認為必須閱讀扶輪雜誌 -- 而是因為它是好雜誌。我希望當你拿起扶輪雜誌時 -- 無論你現在是在讀哪一本 --你會和我一樣感到驕傲,充滿抱負。





朗.伯騰 Ron D. Burton






    Like attending a Rotary club meeting, reading Rotary magazines is an essential part of the shared experience of being a Rotarian. When you pick up a Rotary publication, whether it’s Rotary Down Under in Australia and New Zealand, or The Rotary-No-Tomo in Japan, you’ll find that every single one does just what it’s meant to do: It informs, and it inspires. It keeps you up to date with Rotary news, brings you new ideas for your Rotary service, and tells stories that are relevant and meaningful to you. To me, these publications around the world are a tangible representation of Rotary’s greatest strength: that each club is a local, community-based entity, engaged in a truly global network.


     This organization is incredibly large and diverse, and as much as we all have in common in Rotary, we are not a place where one size fits all. Our expectations of a magazine, both culturally and linguistically, are naturally going to be different. With our regional publications, Rotarians in Bulgaria can find out what’s going on in Rotary in Bulgaria, and what’s going on elsewhere in the Rotary world, along with the latest news from Evanston. Because each one of our Rotary publications belongs to the family of Rotary magazines – each one is, like every Rotary club, both fully local and fully part of our international identity.


     One of the greatest privileges of being RI president is the ability to speak directly, every month, to every one of our 1.2 million Rotarians. It’s awe-inspiring to me, as I write this, to think of all of you, sitting down in your living rooms or at the breakfast table or maybe on the train to work, reading these words, and then turning the page to find out what’s new in Rotary. And overwhelmingly, that is exactly what each of you does. Not just because your Rotary magazine turns up in the mailbox, or because you feel you have to – but because Rotary magazines are good magazines. I hope that when you pick up your publication – whichever one you’re reading right now – you get the same feeling of pride, and ambition, that I do.


     Rotary magazines remind us that as Rotarians, we are all part of something larger than ourselves. They show us just how much we can achieve through Rotary. Th rough them, we see what our Foundation dollars do, we see what our fellow Rotarians are doing, and we are inspired to Engage Rotary, Change Lives even more.




Ron D. Burton


2013-14 RI President


