2013-14年度 -- ROTARY,DISTRICT,CLUB.3480,RID3480,YEP ,RI3480,交換學生,地區,扶輪社,單車,總監,DG,AG,委員會,扶青團,扶?






  我知道我能透過我的扶輪社,美國奧克拉荷馬州諾曼(Norman) 扶輪社,做許多好事。但是透過我們的扶輪基金會,我可以參與全世界每個扶輪社及地區的工作。我可以看著基金會支持的任何計畫、基金會的任何計畫、被宣佈無小兒痲痹的任何國家,然後說:我也助過一臂之力。
  多年來我很幸運,我能夠親眼看到扶輪基金會多得令人難以置信的工作。看的越多,我就對我們的基金會越充滿熱情。當你訪問一所愛滋病孤兒學校,看到孩子們受到照顧、接受教育、習得一技之長 ─ 而且當你注視著他們臉上表情時,你知道,若非我們的扶輪基金會,他們將會露宿街頭,從垃圾中撿食三餐 ─ 你對扶輪基金會的看法會迥異於過去。
  我們這個年度是我們的扶輪基金會有史以來最令人興奮的年度之一。我們剛推出新的獎助金模式,這個模式將挑戰並激勵我們所有人拿出更大的企圖心去開發更有雄心的計畫,以產生更長遠的影響。我們已接受來自比爾及梅琳達蓋茲基金會的一項新挑戰,該基金會承諾在未來5 年對每一位扶輪社員每一美元的根除小兒痲痹捐獻給予二美元的配合捐獻,每年最高3500 萬美元。我們現在正與小兒痲痹進行最後決戰 ─ 一場我們承諾非贏不可的戰爭。




朗.伯騰 Ron D. Burton







     Every Rotarian joins Rotary for his or her own reasons. Often, the reason someone decides to join isn’t the same as the reason that person ultimately decides to stay. When I was asked to join Rotary, I accepted because I thought it would be a good way to get more involved in my community. In the end, though, what really got me excited about Rotary service was something I didn’t even know about when I joined: our Rotary Foundation.

      I knew I could do plenty of good work through my Rotary club in Norman, kla., USA. But through our Foundation, I could have a hand in the work of every single Rotary club and district around the world. I could look at any Foundation-supported project, any Foundation program, any country that was declared polio-free, and say: I helped make that happen.

      Once I realized that, there wasn’t any turning back.
      I’ve been very fortunate that over the years, I’ve gotten to see an incredible amount
of our Foundation’s work firsthand. The more I see, the more passionate I become about
our Foundation. When you visit a school for AIDS orphans and meet the kids who are being cared for, educated, and taught a trade – and when you know, as you look into their faces, that if it weren’t for our Foundation, they would be sleeping on the street, eating out of the trash – you don’t ever see our Foundation in the same way again.
      We are in the middle of one of the most exciting years we have ever known for our Rotary Foundation. We’ve just rolled out a new grant model, one that will challenge and inspire us all to think bigger and to develop more ambitious projects that will have a more lasting impact. We’ve accepted a new challenge from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has committed to match, two to one, every Rotarian dollar contributed to polio eradication for the next five years, up to US$35 million per year. And we are now fighting the final battles in our war against polio – a war we are absolutely committed to win.
      Our Foundation’s goal always has been Doing Good in the World. With our new grant model, we aren’t going to be satisfied with simply doing good. We will do the most good we can, in the most lasting ways possible – for the people who need us the most.




Ron D. Burton


2013-14 RI President

