2013-14年度 -- ROTARY,DISTRICT,CLUB.3480,RID3480,YEP ,RI3480,交換學生,地區,扶輪社,單車,總監,DG,AG,委員會,扶青團,扶?






       保羅• 哈理斯寫過一句很有名的話,「這是一個變動的世界:我們必須有與時俱變的準備。扶輪的故事一定會一再寫下去。」雖然我們永遠不會知道扶輪社員保羅對於網際網路時代會有什麼看法,我想我清楚知道對於成立扶輪網站他會怎麼說:我們不僅應該有網站,而且應該有最好的網站──在科技方面與時俱進,而且永遠要立刻對扶輪社員的需求做出回應。
  扶輪的新網站實際上是二個網站:一個給扶輪家庭使用,另一個給有興趣了解扶輪的人用。當你建立帳號,以社員身分登錄時,你將能使用一大堆新的扶輪工具。其中一個我希望你們都要用的是「扶輪社中心」(Rotary Club Center),這是一個能讓扶輪社有效率且有效地設定目標、追蹤進度、在行政管理職員換屆時保持延續性。你也可以成立或加入扶輪團體、能互動的論壇,讓你能找到興趣類似的扶輪社員並與他們談話。你可以在白天或晚上的任何時間交換觀念及經驗、吸取全世界各地其他扶輪社員的經驗。這個工具能讓我們透過直接向已經參與過類似我們正在規劃的計畫的人學習,它有很大的潛力讓我們改進我們的服務。




朗.伯騰 Ron D. Burton







     Paul Harris famously wrote, “This is a changing world: we must be prepared to change with it. The story of Rotary will have to be written again and again. ” While we will never know what Rotarian Paul would have thought of the Internet Age, I think I do know what he would have said about the idea of a Rotary website:  that not only should we have one, but that it should be the best possible – keeping up with advances in technology, and always responding to the needs of Rotarians.

       I’m proud to announce that after a redesign that has taken two years from concept to completion, the new Rotary.org is now live and available to Rotarians and Internet users everywhere. It contains many of the features you’ve asked for, most notably a much improved search function and navigation, new ways to connect with your fellow Rotarians around the world, and a more personalized experience that will connect you with the information that’s interesting to you.

      Rotary’s new website is actually two sites: one for the family of Rotary, and another for people interested in finding out more about Rotary. When you create an account and log on as a member, you’ll gain access to a host of new Rotary tools. One I hope you’ll all use is Rotary Club Central, an efficient and effective way for clubs to set goals, track their progress, and maintain continuity from one administration to the next. You can also create or join a Rotary group, an interactive discussion forum that allows you to find and talk to Rotarians with similar interests. You can exchange ideas and experiences, and benefit from  the experiences of others from all over the world, at any time of the day or night. It’s a tool with wonderful potential to improve our service by allowing us to learn directly from others already involved in projects similar to those we might be planning.

     For non-Rotarians, the new site will show what Rotary is and what we do, highlighting the uniqueness of Rotary and how Rotary clubs strengthen their communities. They’ll be able to see a snapshot of different Rotary projects and areas of service, find out more about how Rotary works, and explore ways to get involved.
      I am excited about this new window on the Rotary world and invite you all to visit, explore, and learn – as we write the story of Rotary, again and again, together. 




Ron D. Burton


2013-14 RI President

